Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tue Dec 22nd

Due: Nothing (Continue to turn in any make up work)

In-Class: "The Day After Tomorrow"

Have a safe a happy holiday break!!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Mon Dec 21st

Due: "Exploring the Ocean" worksheet

In-Class: Go over the answers to the "Exploring the Ocean" worksheet; review Coastal Erosion test answers

Homework: None

Looking Ahead:
Tue-"The Day After Tomorrow" and worksheet comparing real life to the movie
Christmas Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Fri Dec 18th

Due: Nothing

In-Class: Finish "Features of the Ocean Floor" worksheet; Video clip "mapping the ocean floor"; Complete "Explaining the Ocean" map

Homework: Finish map for Monday.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thurs Dec 17th

Due: Test Today!

In-Class: Unit 5 Test; Read Ch 19 section 2 pages 475-478 and complete worksheet

Homework: None

Looking Ahead:
Fri: Ocean Floor mapping

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wed Dec 16th

Due: Review packet

In-Class: Bellringer; Review answers to the packet; "What to study" list; and review game

Homework: Study for your test tomorrow on Chapter 18 Section 2 and 3 (Unit 5)

Looking Ahead:
Thurs: Test
Fri: Ocean technology

Tue Dec 15th

Due: Nothing

In-Class: Worked on Ch 18 Section 2 and 3 review packet.

Homework: Finish review packet for homework.

Looking Ahead:
Wed: Review/Game
Thur: Ch 18 Section 2 and 3 Test
Fri:Start Ocean Technology

Monday, December 14, 2009

Mon Dec 14th

Due: Nothing

In-Class: Finished Section 3 notes. Completed "Wave Erosion" landforms worksheet and went over correct answers.

Homework: None

Looking Ahead:
Tue: Substitute- Review worksheets
Wed: Completed materials for Unit 5/Test
Thurs: Unit 5 Test

Friday, December 11, 2009

Fri Dec 11th

Due: Ch 18: Section 2 read pages 451-454; complete key terms; and review questions #1-5

In-Class: Check Ch 18: Section 2 read pages 451-454; complete key terms; and review questions 1-5; Start Ch 18 Section 2 notes

Homework: None.... Have a nice weekend! :)

Thurs Dec 10th

Due: Ice Age Project Glogs

In-Class: Share Glogs, receive back all graded papers and progress reports, Ch 18: Section 2 read pages 451-454; complete key terms; and review questions 1-5

Homework: Complete Ch 18: Section 2 read pages 451-454; complete key terms; and review questions 1-5 if you did not do so in class.

Looking Ahead:
Fri- Check section review; Start Section 2 notes
Mon- Finish section 2 notes; Wave Erosion worksheet

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wed Dec 9th

Due: Progress should be made on your Glogs.

In-Class: Finishing Ice Age Project Glogs

Homework: Finish Glog, Save, and Print out a copy to turn in tomorrow in class.
Click on this link to go to the Glogster webpage (edu.glogster.com)
If you do not remember your username and password, follow the homework connection link at the bottow left corner of the webpage and and find the attached list of passwords/usernames under the assignments section.

Looking Ahead:
Thur-Grades/Ch 18 Sec 2 review questions
Fri-Chapter 18 Sec 2 notes

*Reminder: Continue to bring in recycled ink cartridges and cell phones for the CdLS Foundation before Christmas break to earn double bonus points!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tue Dec 8th

Due: Research for "Learning About the Ice Age" (answer the 3 questions)

In-Class: Learn how to use Glogster. Begin creating Ice Age Glogster Project. Check out the Homework Connection link at the bottom of the page to find a list of the student usernames and passwords.

Homework: Continue working on the Glogster project. These will be due at the end of class tomorrow. edu.glogster.com

Looking Ahead:
Wed-Finish Glogster project
Thurs-Grades/Start Ch 18 Section 1 (read/review questions)
Fri-Ch 18 Section 1 notes

Monday, December 7, 2009

Mon Dec 7th

Due: None

In-Class: "Learning About the Ice Age" webquest (worksheet uploaded on homework connection)

Homework: Continue research at home

Looking Ahead:
Tue-Compile information on Glogster
Wed-Presentation/Mid-term grades

Friday Dec 4th

Due: Ch 17: Sec 3 review questions 1-6

In-class: Go over Sec 3 review questions and start Section 3 notes

Homework: None

Thurs Dec 3rd

Due: None

In-Class: Ch 17: Sec 2 Test today

Homework: Finish Ch 17: Sec 3 section review questions 1-6

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wed Dec 2nd

Due: Directed Reading packet

In-Class: Check directed reading packets together. Glacial erosion and deposition activity, Jeopardy review game.

Homework: Study for Ch 17: Sec 2 Test tomorrow! Please check out the homework connection link at the bottom of the page to find some practice tests to help you study!!!!

Looking Ahead:
Fri-Start Ch 17: Sec 3

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tue Dec 1st

Due: Nothing

In-Class: Received answers to Glacier crossword study guide. Began Directed Reading worksheet.

Homework: Complete Directed Reading Worksheet for tomorrow. Test Thursday!

Looking Ahead:
Wed- Check Directed Reading/Review Game
Thurs-Test Ch 17: Sec 2
Fri- Start Section 3