Thursday, April 22, 2010

Due: Completed Study Guides

In-Class: EARTH DAY! Reviewed answers to study guides; Introduced Power Down Drive follow up project(next week)

Homework: STudy for Unit 3 Plate Tectonics Test tomorrow (Chapters 10 Section 1 and 2)
Answers to study guide
1. definitions
2. Wegener
3. Pangaea
4. Fit of Continents, Fossil Evidence, Geologic Evidence, Climatic Evidence
5. Because, he could not explain how the continents moved (through plate tectonics)
6. Hess
7. Magma is rising which is creating new sea floor
8. When the less dense oceanic plate subducts under the continental plate
9. Paleomagnetism
10. Atlantic is getting larger because new sea floor is being created at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and in the Pacific the plate is being subducted.
1. definition
2. 15
3. divergent, convergent, transform
4. mantle convection, ridge push, slab pull
5. c-c divergent: two continental plate dividing (ex. Red Sea), o-o divergent: two oceanic plates dividing (ex. Mid-Atlantic Ridge), o-c convergent: one oceanic plate being subducted under a continental plate (ex. Andes Mtns), c-c convergent: two continental plate colliding (ex. Himalayan Mtns), o-o convergent: two oceanic plate colliding (ex. Marianas Trench or Japenese Island Arc), Transform: two plates sliding past eachother horizontally (ex. San Andreas Fault).

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