Friday, May 28, 2010

Thurs May 27th

Reviewed for final exam... Went over study guide answers.

Answers to study guide
Answers to Final Exam Study Guide
Chapter 2
1. 4.6 billion yrs old
2. Compositional: crust, mantle, core Structural: lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, outer, inner core
3. Electric currents created by earth’s core
4. Equator because the Earth is a slightly flattened sphere called an oblate sphere which means it is flatter at the poles. The poles are therefore closer to the core, creating a greater gravitational attraction, making you heavier.
Chapter 5
1. Naturally occurring, inorganic solid that has a chemical composition, internal structure, and set of physical properties.
2. Non-silicate and silicate (silicon and oxygen)
3. Hardness, luster, streak, cleavage, fracture, color
4. Fluorescence, phosphorescence, chatoyancy, asterism, radioactivity, magnetism, double refraction
5. Gypsum- wallboard, halite- salt, mica- paints and make up, fluorite-toothpaste
Chapter 6
1. Igneous rock forms from melting and cooling
2. Intrusive- inside earth, extrusive- on earth’s surface
3. Intrusive-> Slow-> large
4. Extrusive-> fast -> small
5. Sediments are eroded, deposited, and then compacted and cemented back together.
6. Organic, chemical, clastic
7. Conglomerate/breccias, sandstone, shale
8. Rocks change due to temperature and pressure.
9. Contact and regional
10. Foliated- slate, schist, gneiss; Non-foliated- quartzite, marble

Chapter 8
1. Law that sedimentary rock layers are older than the layers above it and younger than those below it.
2. Coarse or heavy particles are deposited first (bottom) smaller ones travel further or rest on top.
3. Break in geologic record when layers are eroded or when sediment is not deposited for long period of time.
4. Fault or body of rock is always younger than the layer it cuts through
5. A, B, C, D, E, F
6. Relative is age of object in relation to others around it (superposition); Absolute age is the exact age of a rock or object.
7. Carbon dating, radiometric dating, radioactive isotopes, half life
Chapter 10
1. CDT is the theory that the continents have moved position over time. Alfred Wegener
2. Fossil, geologic, climate, fit of continents
3. Underwater mountain range found in Atlantic ocean where two plates are dividing
4. Divergent plate boundary where magma is rising to surface and creating new sea floor, old sea floor is being pushed away from ridge. Harry Hess
5. Pangaea
6. Atlantic is getting larger due to the mid-atlantic ridge and Pacific plate is being subducted
7. Theory that explains how large pieces of lithosphere called plates move and change shape.
8. 15
9. Divergent, convergent, transform
10. Cc divergent- red sea, oo divergent- mid-atlantic ridge, oc convergent-Andes mtns, cc convergent- Himalayan mtns, oo convergent- island arc or marianas trench, transform- san andreas fault.
Chapter 12
1. When rock returns to its original position after stress from rocks breaks
2. Epicenter-surface; focus- inside earth
3. P waves and s waves
4. P- 1st, fastest, solid, liquid and gas------------------- S- 2nd, shear, only through solid
5. Surface happen on the surface of earth- most destructive
6. Area on Earth’s surface where no seismic waves can be detected
7. Intensity-amount of damage caused by an earthquake------Magnitude-strength of earthquake
8. Magnitude
9. Intensity
10. Giant wave in the ocean
11. Earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide
Chapter 13
1. Magma- molten material inside the earth----------Lave- molten material on surface
2. Any activity that involves movement of magma onto earth’s surface.
3. One plate subducts under another. Plate melts, creates pressure, and pushes magma up
4. Volcanically active area in the middle of a plate created by rising magma from a mantle plume.
5. Mafic- rich in magnesium-----------------Felsic- rich in feldspar
6. Quiet, violent
7. Resistance to flow
8. Mafic->Low->Quiet ex. Hawaii
9. Felsic->High->violent ex. mount st. Helens
10. Volcanic dust, volcanic ash, lapilli, volcanic bombs, volcanic blocks
11. Large circular depression created when magma chamber partially empties and volcano collapses in.
12. Fills with water. Ex. crater lake
13. Shield, composite/strato, cinder cone
14. Hawaiin, Mount St. Helens, Surtesy/Paricutin
15. Wide base, alternating layers of ash/lava, only violent eruptions
5 ways fossils form: tar pits, mummification, amber, freezing, petrification
Mold vs. Cast: mold is imprint, cast is replica

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wed, May 26th

Due: Final Exam Study Guides

In-Class: Go over answers to study guide. Review

Homework: Complete note cards

Looking Ahead:
Thurs- Review
Fri- Pd 1 Seniors final

****Continue to bring in ink cartridges and cell phones for bonus. Party for those who contributed will be the morning of Thursday, June 3rd!****

Final Exam Schedule
Fri 5/28: 1st period Seniors
Tue 6/1: 2nd period Seniors
Wed 6/2: 3rd period Everyone
Fri 6/4: 2nd period 9th, 10, 11th
Mon 6/7: 1st period 9th, 10th, 11th
Tue 6/8: Exam make up

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tue, May 25th

Due: None

In-Class: Complete Final Exam Review Study Guide.

Homework: Complete study guide for late credit if not completed in class

Looking Ahead:
Wed: Go over study guide
Thurs: Review
Fri: 1st period Senior finals

Final Exam Schedule
Fri 5/28: 1st period Seniors
Tue 6/1: 2nd period Seniors
Wed 6/2: 3rd period Everyone
Fri 6/4: 2nd period 9th, 10, 11th
Mon 6/7: 1st period 9th, 10th, 11th
Tue 6/8: Exam make up

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mon, May 24th

Due: None

In-Class: Begin Final Exam study guide in class.

Homework: None

Looking ahead
Tue: Final study guide
Wed: Go over study guide answers
Thurs: Review
Fri: Pd 1 Senior finals

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thurs May 20th

Half Day: Kennywood

Due: Nothing

In-Class: Test Make-up; NVEWS Article and Questions

Homework: None; Have a great weekend!!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wed May 19th

Due: Chapter 13 packets

In-Class: Chapter 13 Test

Homework: None

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tue May 18th

Due: Chapter 13 Volcano packet

In-Class: Review answers to Chapter 13 packets; Reviewed for the Chapter 13 Volcanoes test.

Homework: Volcanoes Test Tomorrow!

Answers to Ch 13 Packet

Hot spots and mantle plumes
***1. presense of mantle plume that rises to the surface
***2. rises through areas of weak crust
***3. lithospheric plate
***4. several thousands of years

Types of Volcanoes
1. cinder cone
2. pyroclastic material and lava
3. emit lava at relatively slow rate
4. cinder cone would be short lived
5. answers vary- size, eruption type, etc

Directed Reading
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. B
14.crust wrinkles to form pahoehoe. Has a smooth ropy texture as it cools.
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. consists of fragments of rock that form during a volcanic eruption
19. volcanic ash
20. volcanic dust
21. lapilli
22. volcanic bombs
23. volcanic blocks
24. B
25. E
26. A
27. C
28. D
***29. a caldera is a large circular depression that forms when the magma chamber empties and volcano collapses in.
30. " "
31. n/a
***32. Cone of Mt. Mazama in Oregon collapsed and formed a caldera that eventually filled with water
33. A
34. growing pressure on surrounding rocks
35. magma moving upwards
36. n/a
37. n/a

*** essay question

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mon May 17th

Due: Nothing

In-Class: Complete Chapter 13 Review packet in class.

Homework: Chapter 13 Review packets due tomorrow (Tue 5/18). Chapter 13 Test Wednesday!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fri May 14th

Due: Chapter 13: Section 2 key terms and review questions

In-Class: Ch 13: Sec 2 types of volcano charts

Homework: None

Thurs May 13th

Due: None

In-Class: Finish "Supervolcano" movie

Homework: Chapter 13: Section 2 key terms and questions due tomorrow

Wed May 12th

Due: Chapter 13: Section 1 key terms and questions

In-Class: Chapter 13: Section 2 note sheets

Homework: None

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tue May 11th

Due: Nothing

In-Class: Chapter 13: Section 1 notes; Get back test and graded papers

Homework: Chapter 13: Section 1 key terms and questions #1-6 due Wed 5/12

Looking Ahead:
Wed: Ch 13: Section 2 notes

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mon May 10th

Due: Nothing
*continue bringing in ink cartridges and cell phones for bonus!!!*

In-Class: Watched part 2 of "supervolcano" and turned in worksheet for 15 points

Homework: none

Fri May 7th

Due: None

In-Class: Watched part 1 of "supervolcano" and corresponding worksheet

Homework: none

Thurs May 6th

Due: nothing

In-Class: Unit 4 Earthquakes Test; Finish Canary Islands article

Homework: none

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wed May 5th

Due: Ch12: Sec 2 key terms and questions

In-Class: Reviewed answers to Ch 12: Sec 2 questions: Reviewed answers to Chapter 12 Section 1 packet

Homework: Study for Chapter 12 Test tomorrow! (Earthquakes)

Tue May 4the

Due: nothing

In-Class: Seismic Waves online simulation activity

Homework: Ch 12: Sec2 key terms and questions due Tomorrow: Chapter 12 Test Thursday!

Mon May 3rd

Due: Nothing

In-Class: Chapter 12: Section 2 notes

Homework: Chapter 12 Section 2 key terms and questions due Wed