Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tue May 18th

Due: Chapter 13 Volcano packet

In-Class: Review answers to Chapter 13 packets; Reviewed for the Chapter 13 Volcanoes test.

Homework: Volcanoes Test Tomorrow!

Answers to Ch 13 Packet

Hot spots and mantle plumes
***1. presense of mantle plume that rises to the surface
***2. rises through areas of weak crust
***3. lithospheric plate
***4. several thousands of years

Types of Volcanoes
1. cinder cone
2. pyroclastic material and lava
3. emit lava at relatively slow rate
4. cinder cone would be short lived
5. answers vary- size, eruption type, etc

Directed Reading
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. B
14.crust wrinkles to form pahoehoe. Has a smooth ropy texture as it cools.
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. consists of fragments of rock that form during a volcanic eruption
19. volcanic ash
20. volcanic dust
21. lapilli
22. volcanic bombs
23. volcanic blocks
24. B
25. E
26. A
27. C
28. D
***29. a caldera is a large circular depression that forms when the magma chamber empties and volcano collapses in.
30. " "
31. n/a
***32. Cone of Mt. Mazama in Oregon collapsed and formed a caldera that eventually filled with water
33. A
34. growing pressure on surrounding rocks
35. magma moving upwards
36. n/a
37. n/a

*** essay question

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